The effect of collagen on the joints

The effect of collagen on the joints

Collagen protects against wear and tear of joints and spine. Regular intake of collagen can also improve the symptoms of arthritis and reduce joint pain.

Collagen and how it affects joints

Collagen is an important component of cartilage, the rubbery tissue that protects the joints. As the collagen content decreases with age, the risk of developing degenerative joint diseases such as (osteo-) arthritis increases (1).

If we have too little collagen in the body, the cartilage in the joints recedes and joint problems develop. Collagen can rebuild the cartilage tissue. In addition, oral intake of collagen powder has been shown to reduce inflammation, which helps to reduce pain in people with joint diseases such as osteoarthritis.

By the way, it is not only older people who have problems with joints. Younger people too, especially athletes such as runners with a high load on their knees, quickly get problems with their joints.

Collagen in the JARMINO Shop

Effect on osteoarthritis?

Some studies have shown that oral intake of collagen can help improve the symptoms of arthritis and reduce joint pain (2, 1).

In another study, adults took 2 grams of collagen daily for 70 days, resulting in a significant reduction in joint pain. They were also significantly better able to engage in physical activity than those who did not take collagen (3).

In another study, 73 athletes who took 10 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks experienced a significant reduction in joint pain when walking and at rest, compared to a group who did not take collagen (4).

Is collagen good for the joints?

Yes, based on the results of the study, researchers believe that oral collagen intake accumulates additional collagen in the cartilage and stimulates tissue to produce collagen.

This is likely to result in less inflammation, better joint support and consequently less pain (2). Especially athletes should therefore integrate collagen into their daily diet as a preventive measure.

If you would like to try out taking collagen - including all types of collagen - to prevent or reduce joint complaints, studies suggest a daily dose of 8 to 12 g (1, 5).

You need not be afraid of overdosing on collagen. Only pay attention to quality from grazing.

The intake of collagen is recommended for all people with joint problems, the body can use the collagen regardless of the age of the person concerned.

In older people, however, it can sometimes take a little longer for the body to utilize the collagen and the joint pain to subside.

In order to benefit from the effect of the collagen powder, it must be taken over a longer period of time in any case, as it takes time for the collagen synthesis in the body to be stimulated.

Joints and connective tissue need a similar amount of time to accumulate in the collagen, only then will you notice a positive effect.

The collagen can support the cartilage of various joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist, elbow, knee joint, ankle joint.