Glutamine - Why it is important for our body

Glutamine - Why it is important for our body

Table of contents:

  1. What is L-Glutamine?
  2. How does L-glutamine work?
  3. What role does L-glutamine play in muscle building?
  4. The effect of L-glutamine in diseases?
  5. L-glutamine in Leaky Gut Syndrome

What is L-glutamine?

L-glutamine is an amino acid that is not essential, which means that it can be produced by the body itself. However, the body's own production is reduced by stress factors and physical exertion. That is why glutamine is recommended as a food supplement, e.g. through collagen.

Glutamine is a relative of glutamic acid. Both are amino acids and play a role as building blocks of proteins. They are responsible for metabolic functions and are also important for maintaining good health.

With a proportion of 20 percent in blood plasma, glutamine has the highest proportion of amino acids. Glutamine is an important supplier of energy. In our muscles the proportion of glutamine is highest. It is responsible for building and maintaining muscles.

Glutamine for muscles

Glutamine only occurs in food in bound form. The most valuable source is collagen powder from bone broth. Examples of vegetable sources are wheat and soya.

The effect of glutamine

If you often suffer from listlessness, you should think about incorporating L-glutamine into your daily routine, especially if you exercise regularly. It helps to keep the body healthy and improves energy levels. This helps you to cope better with everyday life and intensive training sessions. Glutamine accelerates the regeneration of the body after exercise. Athletes feel much more relaxed, especially when they are doing a lot of training. This is due to the fact that by taking glutamine, the glycogen stores are quickly replenished.

Glycogen, is formed from the carbohydrates in food and is stored for the most part in the muscle cells, where it supplies the body with energy when under high stress. If the glycogen stores are depleted, this means less energy during exercise. Studies have shown that the intake of glutamine after training has been accelerated and increased. This means that the body is once again supplied with new energy reserves for the next training session. This should be interesting for athletes who often train several times a day. The consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods was not able to replenish the glycogen stores to the same extent as L-glutamine, which is practically calorie-free. Even dextrose or maltodextrin did not match the results of L-glutamine.

L-glutamine is the largest component of our muscles

The vital amino acid L-glutamine, which makes up a large part of our muscles, reflects the important function of this substance in our body. L-glutamine is ideal for endurance athletes and can be obtained quite naturally, e.g. from bone broth.

Glutamine is also suitable for athletes who suffer from open window syndrome after hard training. In an exhausted state, the risk of colds and other susceptibilities is higher. In this case, L-glutamine can be taken preventively. Studies with marathon runners show that taking glutamine after a race reduced the risk of catching a cold by 50 percent. The group that did not take this medicine was at higher risk of catching colds.

L-glutamine counteracts muscle loss

This food supplement prevents the breakdown of body protein from the muscles, i.e. muscle mass through sport, i.e. the breakdown of body protein. This means that less energy is burned from the muscles.

Side effects:

Glutamine is a natural food supplement and does not have a toxic effect. In clinical trials, side effects only occurred at higher doses of more than 30g per kilogram of body weight. Under natural conditions, however, nobody takes such high doses, so overdoses are not possible. Nevertheless, as with all dietary supplements, it is important to avoid large overdoses so that no intolerances occur.

The correct dosage:

Pure L-glutamine is available in capsule form, for example. If you have three or more training sessions a week, it is recommended that you take it daily. Please take in enough liquid. It can be taken in the morning, in the evening or after sport. L-glutamine is also contained in collagen. As collagen is recommended as a dietary supplement for muscle build-up and a firm body during sport, you automatically take L-glutamine with a high-quality collagen powder.

Glutamine has a positive effect on the immune system and strengthens the immune system. This effect becomes noticeable after a short time. Glutamine is well processed by the body, as the body needs this substance to produce antibodies.

Intensive sport can reduce glutamine levels by up to 50 percent. The absorption of glutamine prevents replenishment of the store and strengthens the defence cells. How exactly the biological-chemical process of L-glutamine utilization works is not yet sufficiently known. It is possible that bound water activates the enzymes in the cells, which influence the storage of glycogen. During very intensive sport and mental stress, the natural glutamine sources are not sufficient to cover the demand. It is therefore recommended to take glutamine in capsules or as a powder. It is important to use high-quality products.

Effect of L-glutamine in diseases

This amino acid can save lives in critical situations. Examples are burns, blood poisoning or trauma. In such a condition, the glutamine level is low.

Glutamine can reduce the amount of hospitalisation, reduce the risk of infection and increase the chances of survival.

Glutamine can also be helpful if the bowel is diseased. Bowel diseases include Crohn's disease, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Glutamine stimulates the mucous membrane in the bowel to rebuild itself. The nutrients from food can be better absorbed again. Taking L Glutamine Intestine relieves intestinal problems.

A deficiency of L-glutamine can lead to bowel problems and diseases such as leaky gut syndrome.

Glutamine in Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut means permeable bowel in German. The intestinal mucosa acts as a barrier, and this is disturbed in the small intestine in the case of Leaky Gut. It means that ingredients from the intestine can get into the bloodstream and trigger chronic diseases. These include arthritis, psoriasis and migraine. Most often, Leaky Gut is closely related to other bowel diseases, such as celiac disease. L Glutamine gut is therefore highly recommended. You can read more about Leaky Gut Syndrome here: The Leaky Gut Syndrome

A tried and tested remedy: bone broth

Nowadays, bone broth has fallen into oblivion, but it is a good remedy that not only helps with colds, strengthens the immune system and gives strength to competitive athletes. Bone broth also helps with intestinal diseases such as leaky gut syndrome.

At least one kilogram of bone is needed to prepare a bone broth. The bones are available from butchers or butchers. Soup chickens work the same way. The bones should be stored in the freezer until they are prepared. The bones are boiled out for a few hours and supplemented with a few spices and vegetables such as carrots or onions and vinegar. The bone stock can be boiled in larger quantities and filled into preserving jars, which can also be frozen. Everything you need to know about bone broth and how to prepare a bone broth yourself can be found here: Bone Broth

The bones contain collagen. This collagen ensures that the stock has a thicker consistency after a few hours. Collagen is also an important ingredient for the body and the immune system. Collagen is a good supplement for L Glutamine. For athletes, bone stock with collagen is also a suitable treatment.

Order organic collagen Collagen-rich bone stock